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ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. – This is the UFC Fight Night 45 main card live blog for the UFC Fight Night 45 event at the Revel Casino in Altantic City.

There will be six fights on the UFC Fight Night 45 main card. Donald Cerrone vs. Jim Miller, Edson Barboza vs. Evan Dunham, Rick Story vs. Leonardo Mafra, Justin Salas vs. Joe Proctor, John Lineker vs. Alptekin Ozkilic, and Lucas Martins vs. Alex White will be featured on the main card.

Check out the UFC Fight Night 45 main card live blog below.

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Lucas Martins vs. Alex White

Round 1: Here we go...first fight on the main card. They touch them up. Leg kick from Martins out of the gate, and a pushkick follow-up that misses from White. They go again simultaneously, and neither scores. Good head movement from Martins there, and he comes up and lands a good right-left combo that staggered White a little bit. White's fine; he cuts the angle and moves in again. He gets smashed in the nose once, but now he returns fire on fence and get in a solid right hand. High kick grazes Martins. White with wreckles high kick, whiffs. White pursues. He's sending in rangy jabs, and nothing happening, but he catches hell on the counter. They exchange in the middle, and White took the brunt of that. Wow. Good hands from Martins there. Again, head movement from the Brazilian Martins, who takes center and stalks forward. White in southpaw stance, closes in but his offense is shut down. Martins quicker on the draw, landing in better volume on exchanges. A body kick from Martins is loud. Nice duck under there from White, who lands a decent uppercut. Overhand left might have landed from White, hard to tell from the angle. Martins comes in and they come to blows on the fence, with Martins landing the better shots. White peels out of there and takes center, and round ends. MMA Fighting scores R1 for Martins, 10-9.

Round 2: A chant of USA breaks out. Martins quickly to center, and he goes to work. Quick combo, and White retreats towards fence. Been a lot of movement and quick in-out striking from Martins, who has stood his ground in center. Push-kick from White. He now wheels around the fence, and here comes Martins cutting him off. High kick from the Brazilian, and that lands. White having trouble getting off his strikes, as swelling and blood above his right eye now in evidence. Martins lands an acute little hook just as White cocks back for big shot. Stifled again, is White, as he tries to get in close...this time by a push kick. Each time White comes in to create offense he gets greeted with shots. But wait, now he lands a nice combo that backs Martins up! Martins was hurt for a minute, as the crowd comes alive. White not done, but now Martins goes on the attack. He chases White around the cage winging bombs before dropping for a takedown. Nothing doing. White back to center, and they come back together on the fence. Good exchange, and both guys took right hands. Spinning high kick from Martins narrowly misses, and White lunges in with a flurry at the end. MMA Fighting scores R2 for Martins, 10-9 (20-18 overall)

Round 3: They come together in center and exchange. Good looking set-up to his strikes here for Martins. Again, White stays to the outside. Now Martins lands a right hand counter and, whoa, White grows woozy and falls! Martins sweeps in for the finish, and that's it. What a KO. Big right hand just felled White.

UFC Fight Night 45 official results: Lucas Martins def. Alex White via KO (punch) at 2:08 of R3

John Lineker vs. Alptekin Ozkilic

Round 1: Keith Peterson is the third man. Lineker to center, very poised and upright. Feel out process early for the flyweights. Ozkilic goes low and swings with his right, misses. Nice little combo from Lineker put Ozkilic on a back pedal, but he rolls around and resets. So far Lineker keeping Ozkilic in orbit, moving. Ozkilic swoops in for a takedown, and by the back of Lineker's heel, spins him down and gets into side control on fence. Lineker quickly into half guard, but he's kept with his back to chain links. Lineker able to sneak up to a knee, and he's up. He wheels back out to center, and we're back where we started. Lineker swings and misses and catches a counter from Ozkilic. They throw down on the fence, but it's a lot of near misses (Ozkilic may have landed one). Great combo there from the Brazilian, as he makes the uppercut count on fence. They are more willing to swing now, having both tasted each other's power. Lineker swings and misses and eats a cross counter. Lineker goes low for takedown threat, but it's empty. Leg kick from Ozkilic ends up becoming a wheelhouse brawl for a moment. Both guys caught leather there. Round ends with Ozkilic moving in, landing a shot on the fence. MMA Fighting scores R1 for Lineker, 10-9.

Round 2: They touch gloves again, and Lineker to center. He's waving the left hand out there, trying to set up the right. Ozkilic spins, and throws a shot on the roll. Shudder speed exchange there. Big uppercut from Lineker, again, and then again...the second one got through well, and Ozkilic peels out of there. Some swelling over Ozkilic's eye. His face is red. Another big shot from Lineker, and that put Ozkilic off balance. Lineker now feeling more confident, stalking forward and headhunting. Nice jab slowed him down from Ozkilic, landed flush. Lineker chases Ozkilic all the way around the cage there, and they come back to center. Big leg kick from Ozkilic. Trying to slow the assault by taking out the lead leg. Lineker returns the favor. Good body shots from Lineker, and now he strafes from the top. Another leg kick from Lineker; those are starting to hurt. Lineker coils and lets go a lunging flurry, but again Ozkilic rolls out. Ozkilic trying to change levels a little bit, trying to make his chin a little more evasive. He's landing from range, when he can keep it. But again Lineker gets in close, and lands a nice uppercut off a combo. Ozkilic comes over top with a right, and that's flush. Doesn't bother Lineker, who again waves his left out trying to establish the right. Huge overhand right misses from Lineker, but again he finds a home for the uppercut. Mad scramble there as Ozkilic loses his footing, and the round ends with him coming forward throwing bombs. MMA Fighting scores R2 for Lineker, 10-9 (20-18 overall)

Round 3: They come out swinging. Both men stand and trade in a battle, and each eating punches. Now Lineker lifts his arms up to bring on the crowd, and they oblige. They exchange again, and this thing is getting wild. Takedown attempt by Lineker buts Ozkilic on his bicycle, and the Brazilian pursues him around the fence. Ozkilic now with a takedown, and he can't get Lineker to budge. Crazy action here in the third. Both guys bringing it. Ozkilic stands at range and throws a couple of shots, while Lineker slowly plods forward with a solid left-right. Good body shot, you could hear it on press row. Another exchange, and Lineker misses with the uppercut. Lineker really trying to work Ozkilic's body with shots, as well. Been effective with it, too. Again, after Ozkilic swings from range, Lineker attempts to drop an uppercut on him but misses. Blood on Ozkilic's eye trickling down, and a nice body shot from Lineker. Ozkilic is wearing down. He's got a macabre face, just battered. But Lineker is still working that body, just a steady influx of punches. Ozkilic goes for a takedown, desperation maybe, can't get it. Lineker standing his ground and firing. Another good combo to head and body by Lineker, and he eats a couple of good shots there too. Now Ozkilic is swinging back as both men rile the crowd and slap fives. Good scrap. Plenty of action. But it looks like Lineker is the better man. With inside 15 seconds left, Lineker clips Ozkilic and he's down! Here comes Lineker for the finish, pouncing, and Peterson moves in and calls him off. Wow. Eleven seconds left, and the Brazilian Lineker puts him away.

UFC Fight Night 45 official results: John Lineker def. Alptekin Ozkilic via TKO (strikes) at 4:51 or R3

Justin Salas vs. Joe Proctor

Round 1: Heavy-handed Salas quickly to center, and he opens with a leg kick. Proctor returns one of his own, bouncing it off Salas' thigh. Little deke and quick burst from Salas coming forward with punches, but can't connect and Proctor smiles. Similar return from Proctor, and now they engage. Good land there by Salas, and he follows with a knee from the clinch that kisses off of Proctor's forehead. Blood already coming out of Proctor's nose. Salas wit ha low kick, very near the groin, and Proctor walks it off. Salas trying to time something out, and he swings big but misses, and Proctor lands a clean shot! It was on the counter, but it stopped Salas for a moment there. Both guys playing with fire in the pocket. Head kick from Proctor lands, but not clean. Good forward pressure there from Salas, who has been the aggressor so far. Leg kick from Salas. Now he swoops in for Proctor's leg, but can't get it. High-low combo from Proctor, neither the punch nor the kick got in flush. Proctor comes in throwing and eats a solid right hand. Great counter. Now Salas has some blood over his eye, too. His right eye. Salas wanted the takedown again, but Proctor thwarts. High kick from Proctor lands at the end. Close round. Real close. Hematoma forming on Proctor. MMA Fighting scores R1 for Salas, 10-9.

Round 2: That hematoma is nasty on Proctor, right over the ear. Salas comes right after it, too. Misses, and Proctor wheels around. High kick from the Brockton fighter. They engage on fence, and Salas sneaks in a good counter. Salas moves forward swinging, and on fence gets clinch, thrusts his knees into Proctor. That produced another smile from the Massachusetts fighter. Salas waits for Proctor to come in with a flurry, and dumps him to the ground momentarily with a double. Proctor right back up, with his back to fence. Now he circles out. Proctor covering up that hematoma, now, trying to protect himself; Salas definitely bulls-eyeing it. Salas rolls around, and Proctor catches him with a body shot, and now he lands another on the scramble! They stand, and Salas looks okay, but wait! He eats another shot, this one a left hook, and a short right follow. He goes down and Proctor pounces! Now he's hammerfisting, a series of hammerfists and it's over! Wow. Salas gets up wobble and doesn't like it, he's complaining, but Proctor with the comeback!

UFC Fight Night 45 official results: Joe Proctor def. Justin Salas via TKO (strikes) at 3:27 or R2

Rick Story vs. Leonardo Mafra

Round 1: Dan Miragliotta is the referee. Here we go. Quick touch of gloves, and Story is upright sizing up. He drops a nice body shot on Mafra, and now Mafra comes forward with some live kicks. Story wastes no time and takes him down right in front of press row on fence. Right underhook his corner is calling for, and elbows. Story postures up and creates spaces, and down come the elbows. Step over to half,  Story's corner says. Now he's dropping mean elbows on Mafra. Postures again, and big incoming shots. Mafra able to stand up, but it's a very brief reprieve as Story tackles him back down. Relentless Story so far. Half guard for Story, and he is grinding Mafra into the canvas. He is trying to step over into side control, but Mafra prevents. Big knee to the rib cage from Story, and Mafra returns fire from the bottom with his elbows, tucking them into Story's kidney. The pressure stays on though. All Story. He postures up again, and drops some sharp elbows right through the defense of limbs. He's landing little shots now to Mafra's side, and falls forward into his guard. Shogun elbow! yells his corner, and he obliges. It's an onslaught right now, all Story. He stands up, and before Mafra can follow he swings big at him on the ground. Mafra stands up, but Story explodes forward and takes him back down. In side control and landing bombs as the round ends. MMA Fighting scores R1 for Story, 10-9.

Round 2: Mafra bouncing in his corner, ready to go. So far he can't keep the fight standing. Story comes in and catches a right hand on the descent, so backs back out. Leg kicks from Mafra. Story shoots in for a single, and scoops up Mafra and drops him down...Mafra able to avoid going down and backs to fence, where he is more violently, more emphatically slammed down. Story in his half guard, and he's against dropping leather. Now Story is able to step into mount, and he sets up to swing but is bucked back into half guard. Story again working forward, relentless, and now he's got his arm trapped in, and he's squeezing his neck and Mafra's turning red -- head and arm choke! That's it. Miragliotta comes in as the tap comes. What a dominant performance by Story.

UFC Fight Night 45 official results: Rick Story def. Leonardo Mafra via submission (head and arm choke) at 2:12 or R2

Edson Barboza vs. Evan Dunham

Round 1: Keith Peterson is the ref. They touch them up. Dunham moves in, and Barao clobbers him to the body with a big right hand. Dunham is circling. Barboza stalks in, and lands a nice right. He's sort of wading forward, but patiently. Waiting for Dunham tom come in. Sure enough, Dunham comes flying in on cue, trying to take Barboza down. They slam into fence, but Barboza is resilient, and bounces off. Dunham back to circling. Very poised stuff from Barboza, who is letting the fight unfold. Dunham is the aggressor, though, and he's trying to find that opening. He comes in with a combo, but the fleet-a-foot Barboza scoots out. Huge body shot from Barboza sends a moan through the crowd, and Dunham folds! He's on fence clutching his stomach, and Barboza pounces! A couple of quick follow-ups and it's over! Wow. One explosive kick from the Brazilian Barboza, with his right leg -- it almost looked like it grazed Dunham -- and it's over. That was unique.

UFC Fight Night 45 official results: Edson Barboza def. Evan Dunham via TKO (strikes) at 3:06 of R1

Donald Cerrone vs. Jim Miller

Round 1: Well, this is expected to be a wild we go. Dan Miragliotta is the ref. They touch gloves, and Cerrone comes in swinging. He catches Miller with a knee to the body right off, but Miller shakes it off. Very nice left hand counter from Miller lands, and he wheels out. Leg kick and nice combo from Miller, connecting on a right and a left. Now When Cerrone tries to land a knee, Miller charges forward and posts him on fence. He keeps him there, and on break drops an elbow on his temple. At center, Cerrone tries a knee and Miller drops him with a big good shot! Wow. He jumps on, but Cerrone recovers and is back up. Mller bringing the fight. Big right hand from Miller as an isolation shot. A red mark on Cerrone's body begins to show. He comes up high on Miller with a kick, but it's blocked for the most part. Still plenty of spring there. As Cerrone moves in, Miller ties him up and wrestles him to the fence. He's landing knees to the thighs right now. And he swings Cerrone over, dumps him to the canvas momentarily, but Cerrone back up. A chant of MILLER breaks out. Leg kick into a spinning backfist from Miller, both errant. Now Cerrone comes forward throwing, and he might have caught Miller with the second shot. Cerrone now presses, takes Miller to fence. They tussle there, but Miller able to spin free. Huge right hand counter just as Cerrone comes in from Miller; he's been cracking him with those counters all round, punishing his aggression. MMA Fighting scores R1 for Miller, 10-9.

Round 2: Jumping right hand from Miller, and again Cerrone off balance. Cerrone comes up top with a kick, and Miller took some of that foot to the head. Good combo into leg kick from Miller, and Cerrone charges in and got Miller low with a kick. To the groin. Miller takes a minute while Miragliotta clears Cerrone. But he's back. Tough dude. They exchange kicks, and both absorb them. Quick though of takedown from Miller, but he lets it go. Cerrone throwing kicks, one, then another. To the body. Now he comes up top with a right hand. Another kick, and Miller catches it and spins Cerrone off. They circle back around the cage. Cerrone might have hurt Miller with a kick, and as he comes forward Miller tries to unload. Crazy action. Miller seems okay. They wheel. Cerrone now coming to life, pressuring. It's Miller trying to find something now. Miller seems to be favoring his body just a little bit. Cerrone closes in, and Miller clocks him with a right. Now Cerrone unleashes a huge head kick with his right foot, and Miller crumbles on fence! Cerrone comes in and it's over! Miragliotta calls him off. Cerrone scores a crazy knockout, headkick to Miller just behind the left ear, and Miller just back-pedaled into fence. He was stunned pretty good. No controversy on the stoppage.

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